Haiti in Crisis - We Need Your Help

Just $20 will help provide an Emergency Relief Kit to immediately support our dedicated staff, children, families and Haitian community we serve.

You have likely seen the news in recent weeks about the deteriorating security situation Haiti is facing. While the earthquake caused mass destruction in 30 seconds, gangs have been slowly tearing the foundation of the country apart over the last few years, having now taken over almost all of Port au Prince and are going house by house, looting, forcibly evicting families, and creating a massive homeless population. Inflation rates are over 30%, schools are rarely open, and it is difficult, often impossible, to move freely within the country. 

The children of Haiti need your support now more than ever. 

If there is any good news, it is that WWO has been strategically positioned since our founding. Situated in the mountains south of Port au Prince, our programs continue at full scale. In this region, many schools continue to operate, and parents are bringing their children to our Learning Spaces daily. Each week, the number increases, now working with more than 600 children and parents to meet both urgent needs and long-term learning and development needs.  

We don’t take our role lightly. In fact, we have long recognized the whole needs of children and their families. Last year, WWO distributed more than 2,000 emergency food and hygiene kits to those in need. The grim reality is that this year there will be even more need as things will likely get much worse before they can get better. 

Please, join with us in support of Haiti. Donate what you can to provide access to safe spaces, an emergency meal, dignity, and continued education for Haitian children and their caregivers in their time of need.  

Even $20 can provide one family with emergency food in the midst of the chaos and uncertainty. 

Your steadfast commitment to a better world means the world to us all.


In the Know - March 2024


In the Know - February 2024